
Definition :

Number(P) is generally used to store the integer values in a specific cloumn. Here P means precision. That means what size of interger you want to store you should define that size in the place of 'P'

Syntax :

Columnname number(size);


Create table emp (

 Employee_id number(10),

 Employee_salary number(5),

 mobile_number number(10)


SQL> Insert into emp (mobile_number) values (0123456789);

Output : 1 row inserted.

SQL> Insert into emp (mobile_number) values (01234567891);

Output : ERROR:Value largerthan the specified precision value

SQL> Insert into emp (Employee_salary) values (999.9);

Output : 1 row inserted.


In the above example number(10) means we can store upto 10 digits of value.

For example mobile number = 0123456789.

We can not store morethan 10 digits.If we try to insert morethan 10 digits then database will throw an error. (ERROR:Value largerthan the specified precision value).